The World Ahead
It was the US President Franklin D Roosevelt who came up with the entirely arbitrary concept of 100 days - those magical first few months when a leader has the chance to wow the public. In his case, it was after America’s Great Depression.
Here in the UK, there have been slips and accusations, scores of announcements all against a backdrop of enormous international events. “It’s not at all how I imagined winning would be,” a minister reflected as the government hit its 100 days in office. The PM himself even admitted it’s been “choppy” over the past five months.
2025 has hovered in a super position of two very different states, defined by the outcome of America's election. Now the ballot boxes have been opened, the world knows which 2025 to expect: the one where Donald Trump returns to the White House. Even with that uncertainty resolved, it’s still been a rather topsy-turvy time in the world of economics recently, and we have yet to see the forces that will shape the future.
You’ve seen the news, now discover the stories in the latest edition of Economics: The World in Brief. Coverage spans world politics, business, education, culture and a tasty Goat’s Cheese & Wellington recipe.
Editors: Adarsh & Max
Columnists: Armaan, Ben, Bilal, Connor, Corey, Euan, Hamid, Hitarth, Jacob, Kieran, Krish, Lorcan, Matthew, Michael, Miles, Nick, Oliver, Oliver, Rohan, Sol, Srigan, Teddy.