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Year 7 Admissions and Open Events


No booking required for these events. Parents interested in boarding are asked to telephone the Admissions Office to book boarding tours.

Thursday 3 July 2025
5.30pm – 8pm
Open Evening: Tours of the school start at 5.30pm.  Headmaster’s presentation at 6.30pm, 7.00pm & 7.30pm in the Queen’s Hall.  Parents interested in boarding are asked to telephone the Admissions Office to book boarding tours.

Secondary Transfer Testing Registration

Children who attend a Buckinghamshire LA primary school are automatically registered and will sit the test in their current school. Children who attend all other schools will need to be registered for testing, and will sit the test at central venues in Buckinghamshire.

How do parents register for Testing?

Buckinghamshire Council are using their online application portal for parents to register their child for testing, please use the following link for further information.

The 11+ Transfer Testing process is administered by Buckinghamshire Council and all Year 7 day places are allocated and administered by Buckinghamshire Council. Completion of a supplementary form is not required for RGS. For more information about the admissions process click below. 

You can also contact the Admissions Team at Buckinghamshire Council for further information via their

RGS High Wycombe School Catchment Area

This checker shows you how far each school is away from your home measured in a straight line and whether your home is within the school's catchment area: Buckinghamshire Schools Postcode Checker. 

For September 2025 admissions, the Royal Grammar School will have a priority area within the catchment.  This can be seen in the Catchment Area Map and the Priority Area Catchment Checker on the Buckinghamshire Council website.

There is no catchment area for those applying to board

Please direct all Year 7 Boarding admission enquiries to

For further information on our Admissions policies click below.