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Sixth Form

Sixth Form Subscription

Apart from our academic programme, we aim to offer a variety of activities in the Sixth Form so that your son can make a smooth transition into A Level studies from Year 11 and develop in character and citizenship in preparation for the time he ends his school career and moves on to the world beyond RGS. In the Sixth Form, your son will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of events and activities which include:

  • An induction programme to start working on A Level study skills and a Freshers' Fayre to allow your son the chance to choose from a range of volunteering and co-curricular activities
  • Year 12 and 13 social events and joint ventures with other schools
  • Sixth Form Lecture Series where we invite guest speakers in to talk to our students on a range of important and valuable topics
  • series of Leavers’ events towards the end of your son's time with us

As your son progresses through his two years in the Sixth Form we are sure you will agree that all these events will help to make your son's time in the Sixth Form at RGS memorable, worthwhile and help develop his all round profile. These events would not be possible without some financial support from parents. The Sixth Form subscription allows us greater flexibility to be able to offer the above package of events and opportunities for your son.

In order to cover the costs of these events we ask for a one-off subscription of £60 for the two years that your son is with us in the Sixth Form. The subscription also covers the cost of your son’s Year 12 school tie which will be given to him on the Induction Day in September. A Parent Pay account has been set up for your contributions to be made and we would be grateful if you could make your payment by Monday 16th September. In the event that your son does not take up his place in the Sixth Form at RGS the subscription will be refunded in full to you.

For students that are new to RGS, you will be given details during the first week of school about how to set up your ParentPay account. We would be grateful if you could pay the Sixth Form subscription once that is set up.

If you feel that you are unable to make this contribution please contact Mrs Wallace, our Sixth Form Administrator, in confidence, at