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University Entrants 2024

222 applicants chose to study 136 different courses from Accountancy & Artificial Intelligence to Vetinary Science and Zoology at 49 different universities.

Popular Universities attended by RGS leavers

  • Durham
  • Manchester
  • Leeds
  • Liverpool
  • Sheffielld
  • Nottingham
  • Loughborough
  • Birmingham
  • Warwick
  • Cambridge
  • Oxford Brookes
  • Cardiff
  • Bristol
  • Bath
  • KCL
  • Imperial
  • Queen Mary
  • Southampton
  • Exeter

Subjects studied most often at university by RGS university applicants

  • Business Management 
  • Computer Science 
  • Engineering 
  • Economics 
  • History 
  • International Relations
  • Law 
  • Mathematics 
  • Medicine
  • Modern Languages